From the course: Managing and Administering Microsoft Teams by Microsoft Press

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Explore Teams PowerShell cmdlets

Explore Teams PowerShell cmdlets

Besides the command-lets that we reviewed in the lesson or we learned the basics of PowerShell, there's a whole set of commands that we can make use of to manage all aspects of team's administration, including users, policies, and configuration. To install the Microsoft Teams PowerShell module, you must first open PowerShell as an administrator and run the command install module, name MicrosoftTeams, which you can see in this slide. With the next command, we will be bypassing the execution policy to allow us to execute scripts in our current PowerShell session. And next, we import the PowerShell module for Microsoft Teams. The following are some useful Microsoft Teams PowerShell commands. To start out, we can use the get command with the Microsoft Teams module to retrieve a list of all the command-lets available in that module. The following command, the Connect-MicrosoftTeams is used to establish a connection and authenticate to the team service. So the following commands can…
