From the course: Managing a Diverse Team (2023)
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Recognize normal behavior of team members
From the course: Managing a Diverse Team (2023)
Recognize normal behavior of team members
- Teams go through various stages of development. In exploring the characteristics of each stage, as the manager, you will observe team members' behavior. Take note of each member's actions and reactions. By doing so, you will get to know individuals on the team and their normal behavior. When a team member is not acting normal or shows signs of distress, this is cause for concern and will affect performance or attitude. Psychologist, Dr. Bruce Tuckman, described team development stages as forming, storming, norming, and performing. Knowing what to expect in each stage can help teams or individuals in the team. Team leaders and other members of the group have an important role to play in each stage. Let's take a look at each one in more detail. Stage one, forming. The characteristics of this stage are group members may be anxious, adopt a wait and see attitude, or be formal. Whether the team members are not new to each…
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