From the course: Managing a Design System with Sketch

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Managing a pattern library using Craft

Managing a pattern library using Craft - Sketch Tutorial

From the course: Managing a Design System with Sketch

Managing a pattern library using Craft

- [Instructor] If you haven't downloaded Craft already, one thing you'll need to do is get the Craft plugin which you can download at You will also need to have a shared location like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Box downloaded on your desktop. Craft library is awesome because you can create assets that you're going to be able to use with your team. Unlike Sketch symbols, elements within Craft library are not bound to the elements within a single Sketch file. The Design Library will now be in the Cloud, and everyone can access it and pull in components, and get updates across their files when someone updates a component. This allows you to create a shared library of assets located in a shared location like Dropbox, Box, or Google Drive that your team can use to drag and drop elements in their designs. If a library is updated, it auto-updates for all team members. Having a preset library of buttons, inputs, textiles, icons, reduces the risk of elements being…
