From the course: Managing a Design System with Sketch
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Governance of design systems - Sketch Tutorial
From the course: Managing a Design System with Sketch
Governance of design systems
- [Narrator] Now, that you have selected a model or figured out how you're going to set up your design system's team, you still have some questions to answer. Who updates the design system? Who approves changes? Who communicates with the users of the design system to make sure it's addressing their needs? Who gets to decide which patterns stay, go, or need tweaking? Creating a clear governance plan is essential for making sure your design system can adapt and thrive as time goes on. A solid governance strategy starts by answering some important questions about handling change. Before we begin, I want to note that it's important to recognize that there will be people at the organization who create the design system, and on the other hand, there will be people who will be users of the design system. There's definitely overlap between these two groups but establishing the roles of creators and users of the system is important. The creators are ones who create, maintain, and govern the…
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