From the course: Making a Web Series

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Research and development

Research and development

- Welcome back to WebTV workshop course one. One very important aspect when developing a successful plan of action for your web series is research and development, or what we like to refer to as R&D. Making sure that you put the proper time and energy into research and development is important to creating a successful web series. Whether your goals are to develop your series into other mediums, like film and TV, take your project to advertisers, or creating content to promote your business, being able to identify what is a successful format or model of a similar or preexisting web series is important in this phase. Check out websites like,, or, and begin to search and shift through shows with the same genre as yours. Watch at least one to three episodes of five different series that appear to have substantial amounts of hits and some that appear to have little to no hits. It will soon…
