From the course: Making a Web Series

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Creative development

Creative development

- Hello, and congratulations. You are taking the first step towards bringing your idea to audience by taking this course. I'm sure you have many ideas that you want to turn into a web series. Perhaps you're creating hosted content or video content to drive users back to your company site. Whatever it is, it's time to get specific, targeted and strategic, and choose one. So, how do you choose which brilliant of yours to go with? The most important quality to possess to bring your idea to audience is passion. It will be the fervor that keeps you committed to your project and will inevitably attract other people's interest. Producing your series is a huge commitment. Passion will keep you motivated, resilient and steadfast. So, which idea are you most passionate about? Now that you've chosen, I'd like to take you through a small exercise. Take out a pen and paper, or for those of you that prefer to type, that is fine as well.…
