From the course: Making a Short Film: Start to Finish

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Screenplay format

Screenplay format

- All right, so you're just about ready to start writing, but before you do, let's just take a quick moment to talk about screenplay format. Screenplay format has evolved over the years, but there is a standard now that has been pretty much unchanged for, I don't know, the last 30, 40 years, whatever it is. And you're going to want to make sure that your screenplay matches that. A lot of people will tell you that it's just because that's the way it's done and so you should it that way. And there is definitely an element of truth to that, but even more important than that is that all you're collaborators, everyone that you're working with, this is the document that people are going to be referring to. And if it is in that standard format that everyone's familiar with, it just makes it a lot easier to get onto the same page. Now the good news is is that unlike when I was in film school when screenwriting software was…
