From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Work with notifications

Work with notifications

- [Instructor] Some applications need to display alerts for things like incoming messages or calendar reminders. So here I am working at my computer, when this pops up. This is a notification, reminding me of a calendar appointment. Or I might see this. A notification telling me I've received an email message. So these are notifications. You can clear a notification by pointing your mouse cursor on it, and then you can click the X up at the top. Some will have options so that it can remind you again, after a certain period of time. And if you just click on a notification, it will take you to that application. So I could click on this to go to the Calendar and see this event. But for now, I'm just going to leave it alone. Now it's interesting to see that some applications behave differently. Some will alert you, even if the application isn't running, and some will not. I saw that notification from Mail because that…
