From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Use the Messages app for text-based messages

Use the Messages app for text-based messages - macOS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

Use the Messages app for text-based messages

- [Instructor] The messages application is used for text-based conversations with other people. You can send and receive messages on a Mac or an iPhone or iPad. I have the messages application in my dock, so I'll launch it there. And to use messages, you and the people you message with, will need to be signed into an iCloud account. You can go to the main menu for the application up here at the top, the messages menu. Then go to preferences, then to the tab labeled iMessage, just to make sure you are signed into the right account. And I am, so I'll close this. Now on the left, you can see a list of recent conversations. And you can click on one to see all of the messages that you've sent or received with this person. So this one is a conversation between me and one person. And this is a group conversation with three people. Let's send a new message. I'll click the compose button, up here at the top. And then in this to field,…
