From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Use Handoff to transfer tasks between an iPhone and a Mac

Use Handoff to transfer tasks between an iPhone and a Mac - macOS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

Use Handoff to transfer tasks between an iPhone and a Mac

- Handoff is a feature that lets you start a task on one device and pick up right where you left off on another device. I'm starting on my iPhone, where I'm going to go to the web browser and navigate to a webpage. So I'm going to start reading this page on my iPhone, but I might decide I want to finish reading it on my computer. So, I'll switch over to my Mac, and we'll see this icon popped up near the right side of the dock. It has the Safari icon, but it also has a little phone graphic on it. This tells me that I have Safari open on my iPhone. And if you use an iPad, you'll see the same thing. I can click on that and it will load that same page that I was looking at on my iPhone. And this works in both directions and it works in other applications. So I'm going to quit Safari, and let me go over to my mail. I've got a message here and I'm going to start replying to this message. I'll write in a bit of my…
