From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Use full screen and Split View

Use full screen and Split View - macOS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

Use full screen and Split View

- [Instructor] In this video, I want to see the full screen feature, which allows you to see one window fill the entire screen. Then we'll see the split view where you can have two windows side-by-side filling the screen. So I have lots of windows open here, and I want to be able to focus on one without being distracted by the others. In most cases, you can click the green button near the top left corner of a window and that will switch you to the full screen view, so you can focus on this window without any distractions. I don't see the menu and I don't see the dock. Now, if you do need the dock, you can move your mouse cursor to the bottom of the screen and it will pop up. And if you need the menus, you can move your mouse cursor to the top and the menus will appear there. And this is also important because that's how you can make that green button visible again. You can click that to get out of the full screen view. But…
