From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Use FaceTime links to invite people to meetings

Use FaceTime links to invite people to meetings - macOS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

Use FaceTime links to invite people to meetings

- If you need to plan a FaceTime call in advance you can make a link to a meeting that you can send to somebody people who received the link can join the call. Even if they don't have an iCloud account. In fact they can join on a windows computer or an Android device with no additional software. So I'm going to launch face-time and over on the left you can see a list of recent calls. I was in one of these relates to a calendar appointment we'll talk about that in just a moment but for now I want to make a new link. So I'll click create link up here at the top. And you've got a few options here. You could just copy the link and then paste it somewhere or you could send it directly in a mail message or a text message but for now I'm just going to copy it and now it will appear here on this list. So now that I've copied it I could paste it pretty much anywhere so as an example I might go to the mail application…
