From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Update macOS

Update macOS

- [Instructor] Apple is constantly publishing updates to macOS. These updates add features and fix problems that may be discovered in the future. When we talk about updates, those are smaller and less intrusive than an upgrade, which is when you move from one major version of macOS to another, like when you upgrade from macOS Big Sur to macOS Monterey. Now, first, at some point, you may see a notification pop up on the screen, letting you know that updates are available, but you can also manually check for updates. To do that, we'll go to the system menu by clicking the Apple logo in the top left corner, then go to System Preferences. And when you open System Preferences, if updates are available, it may take you directly to the Updates page. But if you're starting here, you can go to the Software Update category, and here, it will check to see if there are any new updates. Now, my computer is up to date, but if…
