From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Set up accounts for Mail, Calendar, and Contacts

Set up accounts for Mail, Calendar, and Contacts - macOS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

Set up accounts for Mail, Calendar, and Contacts

- [Nicholas] To work with the e-mail application in macOS, and to use some of the features of the address booking calendar, you need to have an email account that you can link to your Mac. Now I'm not going to show you how to create a new email account. I'm assuming you already have an account that you can use. Now, first, if you use iCloud, you may have an account already set up. To check that we'll go to system preferences. So we'll go to the system menu to system preferences, and I am signed into my Apple ID. I can see my name up here at the top, and I can click this Apple ID button to see my account information. And over here on the left, I can confirm that iCloud is set up. And when I look at the list of services related to my iCloud account, I see Mail, Address book, Calendars, Reminders, and Notes, and all of those services are enabled. If you have this set up, then you already have one account. So I'm going…
