From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Set the Focus mode to block notifications

Set the Focus mode to block notifications - macOS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

Set the Focus mode to block notifications

- [Instructor] There are times when you may not want notifications to appear like during meetings or during presentations. That's what the focus feature is for. Focus does include a simple, do not disturb mode, but you'll quickly learn that it goes beyond that. You can easily turn focus on and off from the control center, so in the menu bar near the top, right, I'll click the control center icon to open it and then I'll go to the focus option and you can simply turn it on by clicking this round button and while it's turned on, you'll see this moon icon up in the menu bar. Later, you can click that circle button again to turn it off and after a moment that moon icon will go away. Or if you click on this, not on the circular button, but somewhere else on this box, you have some other options and you can turn it on for certain periods of time. So if you simply want to block all notifications, this do not disturb mode might…
