From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Set app privacy and permissions

Set app privacy and permissions - macOS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

Set app privacy and permissions

- [Instructor] I've just installed a new application on my computer called RoadTripper. I see it here in launchpad. And when I launch it, my computer asks me if I want to give this application permission to access my location. Most Macs can find your physical location from the internet connection they're using. But before an application can use that data, this question protects your privacy. You must decide if you are comfortable letting this application access your location. And I do want to point out, if we look at the page for this app on the app store. And I'll just move this panel a bit so that we can see it. When we look at the App Privacy label for this app, it says that this app does not collect data. So just so you understand it is possible for an app like this to access and use your private location data, but if it only uses that data locally on the computer and does not send any data back to the developer, it…
