From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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- [Instructor] In this video, we will look at the Reminders application, which is a small app for keeping lists. I have it here on the dock, so I'll click on it to launch it. But before we get started, I do need to look at something in System Preferences. So I'll go to the system menu on the left, to System Preferences, then to the section for internet accounts. And just like with the Notes application, if you link an iCloud account to your Mac, you can store and synchronize your reminders to that iCloud account. And if you also link that account to your phone or another device, your reminders will stay up to date on all of those devices. However, if you use another account, like this Google account that I have linked here, reminder syncing is not available there. So if you don't have iCloud, your reminders will just be stored locally on your computer. Okay, so I'm going to close System Preferences and back here in…
