From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training
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QuickTime - macOS Tutorial
From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training
- [Instructor] QuickTime is an application that can play audio and video files. And it's also an element of the operating system that makes it possible for other applications to play media. But we're just going to focus on the QuickTime application itself here. Now, I'm in a folder where I have some video files and one way to use QuickTime is to just double-click on an audio or video file. In most cases it will open in QuickTime. But there are different video files out there. If a file ends with this extension, .mov, then you're probably good. QuickTime will also generally play MP4, M4V and AVI files. Some files will open directly and some files will take some time to convert before they will open in QuickTime. Or another option is to start by launching QuickTime. Now, I don't have it here in the doc, so I'll need to go to the applications folder, find it there, then double click to launch it. When you launch QuickTime, it…
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Browse and search the web with Safari4m 48s
Clear your web history2m 29s
Use the Messages app for text-based messages5m 5s
Use FaceTime for audio and video calls5m 57s
Use FaceTime links to invite people to meetings3m 46s
Import and organize photos4m 36s
Organize and listen to music4m 20s
Maps4m 50s
QuickTime4m 28s
Notes5m 19s
Reminders4m 24s
Use live text in several applications3m 17s