From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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- [Instructor] There is a small note taking application that comes with macOS, which is simply called Notes. I have it in the dock, so I'll launch it there. But before we get too far, I want to look at something in System Preferences. So I'll go to the main system menu to System Preferences, then to the category for Internet Accounts. Earlier in this course, we linked my computer to my iCloud account and my Google account. Each of these accounts has the option to synchronize Notes, which I have turned on. This allows me to see notes that are stored on those online accounts. But also, if I set up these accounts on another computer or a tablet or phone, my notes will stay synchronized and up-to-date on all those devices. So if I close this, in my case, over on the left in the Notes application, I can browse through notes that I have on my Google account or on my iCloud account. And if you do not synchronize your…
