From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training
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Import and organize photos - macOS Tutorial
From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training
Import and organize photos
- [Instructor] Mac OS comes with a bundled application for storing, organizing and editing your collection of pictures and videos. This application is simply called photos, I have it here in the docs, I'll launch it from there. And here you will see your library of pictures and videos, and you can see that I already have some pictures in my library, but let's see two ways to add pictures. One option is to simply drag in some pictures that you have stored somewhere on your computers drive. So I'll go into finder, I'll navigate to my pictures folder, where I've already set up these folders full of pictures. So there are a bunch of pictures in this folder, and I could drag the whole folder either to the icon on the dock or just somewhere on the application window. And now those pictures have been imported. Take a look over here at the sidebar on the left. I'm currently in the imports category, which shows the pictures that I've…
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Browse and search the web with Safari4m 48s
Clear your web history2m 29s
Use the Messages app for text-based messages5m 5s
Use FaceTime for audio and video calls5m 57s
Use FaceTime links to invite people to meetings3m 46s
Import and organize photos4m 36s
Organize and listen to music4m 20s
Maps4m 50s
QuickTime4m 28s
Notes5m 19s
Reminders4m 24s
Use live text in several applications3m 17s