From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Get info and preview files with Quick Look

Get info and preview files with Quick Look - macOS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

Get info and preview files with Quick Look

- [Narrator] As you browse through your files and folders, there are previews and important information you can get about your files without even opening them. I'm in the Documents folder and I'm going to open up the "Client Projects" folder. Then I'll go to this "No Obstacles" where I have a bunch of files. Now I could just double click on a file to open it, but I want to save that for the video where we talk about launching applications. For now, let's focus on what information we can get without even opening a file. Now, there are lots of different types of files here. Some are documents, some are spreadsheets, some are pictures and so on. Unless you've changed some settings, you will probably see that each file ends with a period, followed by three or four letters. This is called the "extension" and the extension identifies what type of file this is. I know that a .docx file is a Microsoft Word document and a PNG file…
