From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Customize the desktop wallpaper

Customize the desktop wallpaper - macOS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

Customize the desktop wallpaper

- [Instructor] To customize your computer you may want to change your desktop background image, also known as the wallpaper. In my case, I just have a solid color for my background, but you may want a picture here. There are a few ways to get to the settings to change your desktop wallpaper. You could right-click somewhere on the desktop and choose Change Desktop Background, or you can go to System Preferences. So in the system menu I'll go to System Preferences, then to the category for Desktop and Screen Saver. And, up at the top, you should make sure that you're on the Desktop tab. Then, on the left, you've got a bunch of options. Now, if you just want a solid color you can choose Colors, and then you can choose the color that you want, but you may want a picture so you could go to Desktop Pictures, and there are some pictures that come bundled with macOS, and they're organized by categories. I want to scroll down and…
