From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Connect accessories: Wired and Bluetooth wireless devices

Connect accessories: Wired and Bluetooth wireless devices - macOS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

Connect accessories: Wired and Bluetooth wireless devices

- [Instructor] This video is all about connecting devices to your Mac, with a specific focus on wireless Bluetooth devices. If you are connecting an external mouse or keyboard, or even a storage drive printer or other accessory, you're usually dealing with a cable that plugs into your computer. Most of these wired devices just connect to your computer with a USB cable. This is the USB-A cable, which was the standard for years, but now most newer Macs use the newer USB-C connector. And to be completely accurate, the port on these newer Macs is called Thunderbolt 3. There's a little bit more to the story, but for most purposes, you can just consider Thunderbolt 3 and USB-C to be the same thing. So check which port your computer has and make sure you choose accessories with the right connection. Most devices can just plug in and will work without any setup. If your Mac only has the USB-C ports and the device you want…
