From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Clear your web history

Clear your web history

- [Instructor] Your browser history is a log that your web browser keeps of web pages that you visited. It can be really helpful if you're trying to remember a webpage that you saw a few days ago, but it can also be a privacy concern. So let's see how to manage the history in Safari. So I launch Safari, and first I want to look at my history so I can open up this history menu. And here I can see pages that I visited today, and there are even sub menus below that for other recent days. So I can quickly go back to any page that I visited recently just by clicking on it here, and it loads that page. But let's talk about privacy. What if you go to a webpage, and you don't want anybody else to know that you visited it? What if you work for a law firm, and the web pages you visit are part of private client records? Or what if you're using a public workstation? There are lots of situations where you don't want…
