From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Back up files manually

Back up files manually

- [Instructor] At some point your computer may be lost or something may get damaged and you might lose any files that you had stored on your computer's drive. So I strongly recommend you set up a system to back up your files. A backup is when you have two or more copies of something. In case something happens to one of those copies, you have another copy for safety. So in this video, we'll see how to backup your files manually. And the first thing you should ask yourself is what do you want to back up? Now I think it's a good idea to backup your home folder and we're bringing back something important we covered much earlier in this course, You can go to finder, then go to your main storage drive, into the folder called Users, and then find the folder with your name on it. That is the home folder. And it contains folders for your documents, your movies, your pictures, and so on. So generally, all of your personal files…
