From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

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Access application preferences

Access application preferences - macOS Tutorial

From the course: macOS Monterey Essential Training

Access application preferences

- [Instructor] Almost every application that you'll run in MacOS will have preferences. Now, this is different from system preferences, which are adjustments for the computer overall. We are talking about application preferences, which adjust how an individual application runs. Now I have three applications open and to see an applications preferences first, you need to make sure it's active. So if I click on the Safari window, I know that Safari is active. And if I look at the menus up at the top, the first menu has the name of that application. So you can open that application menu and find the option for preferences. When I open Safari preferences, I get a bunch of adjustments that I can make for how Safari works. And in this case, there are several tabs that represent different categories of adjustments that I can make. But that's just how preferences looks for this specific application. I'm going to close this…
