From the course: Machine Learning Foundations: Statistics

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The median

The median

- [Instructor] After multiple complaints about the salary expectations, the CEO decided to talk to the HR director and asked to use some other statistical measure instead of mean. The HR director recalled her statistics class in college and said, "Okay, let's take the middle value." So how are we going to do that? Let's sort the dataset from the smallest value to the largest value. So we have 25 data points. 25 is an odd number, so our middle value is the 30th data point, meaning 90,000. Now that middle number is called the median. The median of a dataset is the middle value. When the dataset is sorted numerically, half the values are below the median, and half are above the median. Maybe you wonder what we'll do if we have a dataset where the number of data points is even. What do you think we should do? (upbeat music) (upbeat music fades) That's right. We'll take the two middle data points and calculate…
