From the course: Machine Learning Foundations: Statistics
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Selection with replacement - Python Tutorial
From the course: Machine Learning Foundations: Statistics
Selection with replacement
- [Instructor] You are working on the research project before the upcoming elections. Obviously, you have to collect data about the residents. So you compose a survey with a question such as, what is your household income? What is the highest educational level you have attained? Do you support a certain law or candidate? We are interested in finding the answers to these questions about the population, but when designing an experiment we don't have access to the whole population, so we will gather data on a sample of the population which is representative of the entire population. Sampling is the process of selecting a dataset from a vast collection of data to calculate the specific characteristics of the entire dataset. Statisticians collect the samples in two ways, selection with replacement and selection without the replacement. Let's explore the selection with replacement, or short, SWR. For example, suppose we have 10…
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