From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

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Working with Session Players

Working with Session Players - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

Working with Session Players

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll introduce Logic Pro's Session Players, and how to get going with these artificially intelligent players to help you make your own music. Adding a Session Player to a blank project is easy. Just make a new track from the Create New Track menu as we see here. And you can go over to the Session Player area and choose one of the three Session Player types, Drummer, Bass Player or a Keyboard Player. We're going to start with a bass player. And you notice down here, you can use default chord progressions for new regions. So, we're going to keep that checked and see what it does. You also get to choose the bass player style. So, if you know you want to work in, for example, a retro rock kind of style, you'll select that now. Don't worry, you can always change that later. So, we'll click Create and it'll make a eight bar loop. And there is our Session Player parameters down below. You can see the Session Player region up in the track, and you also see some…
