From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
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Working with region anchor points - Logic Pro Tutorial
From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
Working with region anchor points
- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll explore the concept of anchor points and take a tour of the audio file editor. Like MIDI, audio regions in Logic can follow the bars and beats time grid. Previously, we saw how to use different snap modes to determine the underlying grid of our regions. For example, if I set this snap pull-down menu to bar, I can move this tambourine track one bar forward or backward. If I click and drag it to the right, it'll go one bar. Oops, let me make sure I have just that one selected. If I click and drag it to the right, it'll go one bar ahead. Now, notice we're working on what's called a relative grid mode, where the beginning and end of the region is not perfectly on a bar boundary. Rather, it's relative to the beginning and end of the region. I move it back, you'll see that, again, it's not landing perfectly on the bar boundary. And this is reflected in the snap pull-down menu where it says snap regions to relative value. If I move this to absolute value…
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