From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

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Working with cycle mode

Working with cycle mode

- [Instructor] This movie, I want to explore the Cycle mode, how to set a range, and some of the options available for Cycle. So when you're working in Logic, establishing a cycle, or a loop, for which Logic to play through is a super important task, and you'll use it a lot as you work through your projects. So, at its basic level, a cycle can first be turned on by typing the C key or by clicking on the loop-de-loop icon up in the control bar of the main window. And once you have a cycle range established like we do here between bars five and nine, when we hit Play, (gentle music) Logic will loop through that section again and again, until we hit stop. So, once it hits the end, it just loops back to the beginning. Now, to change the range of your cycle, you can grab either end of the little yellow strip up in the timeline, and you can make it longer on the front half or trim the end half to be longer or shorter. You can also click right in the middle of the yellow strip and move this…
