From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
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Working with ChromaGlow - Logic Pro Tutorial
From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
Working with ChromaGlow
- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll explore the plugin called ChromaGlow. We'll test it out on a few sources to see how it can add grit or warmth to your tracks. The ChromaGlow plugin is all about distortion and saturation, but what does that mean exactly in musical terms? Well, saturation and distortion are coy ways of talking about taking round natural wave forms of audio and squaring them off. When you do that, the frequency makeup changes and we get these higher harmonics above the fundamental. This results in a pleasing bite, or distortion, or saturation to the sound that can help it cut through a mix. Let's see what this can do to the bass track in this song. So I'll solo the rock legend track, and this is our standard. This is actually coming from the studio bass plugin. And there are a few plugins on here. There's a pedal, a bass amp, a compressor, and basically it sounds like this. (bass guitar strumming) So it's not perfectly clean, but let's see what ChromaGlow can do to…
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Setting up for the mix2m 45s
Mapping controls for hands-on mixing4m 55s
Exploring panning4m 53s
Mixing with patches5m 46s
Working with selection-based processing7m 21s
Mixing with submixes and track stacks5m 46s
Spatialize with reverb and delay7m 21s
Reverbing with ChromaVerb7m 45s
Working with ChromaGlow5m 53s
Giving your mix life with automation7m 1s
Automate your mix in real time5m 54s
Optimize mixing with freeze tracks6m 46s
De-mixing with the Stem Splitter2m 47s
Mastering with Mastering Assistant5m 41s
Mastering with your output fader3m 22s