From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
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Working in the Smart Tempo Editor - Logic Pro Tutorial
From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
Working in the Smart Tempo Editor
- [Instructor] The File Tempo Editor is where we can see up close and in detail how Logic flexes and slices our recording or imported audio to match the project tempo. Let's take a look at this to see what options are available. So, I'm going to import a shaker file. It's just a a shaker loop. And this time I'm going to first set the project tempo to 90 BPM. Notice we're at 80 right now. I'm going to go ahead and click here and set my project tempo to 90. Notice I'm staying on the "Keep Project Tempo" from our Smart Tempo Project Settings. But in the Smart Tempo Project Settings, I do have "Set imported audio files" to on. So what that means is that whatever I bring in, I don't know the inherent tempo of the shaker track, but whatever I do, whatever tempo of things I bring in are going to keep and flex to the project tempo of 90 because I have that option on in the Smart Tempo Project Settings, right? So it's going to align and conform to our project tempo. So let me go ahead and…
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Importing audio7m 28s
Exploring Apple Loops8m 33s
Creating Apple Loops5m 8s
Applying Smart Tempo14m 53s
Working in the Smart Tempo Editor9m 8s
Flex Time your tracks7m 37s
Flex Time with track groups5m 46s
Beat mapping your project6m 2s
Retiming performances with a groove track2m 35s
Importing elements between projects5m 8s
Introducing Live Loops7m 22s
Going deeper with Live Loops7m 45s
Arranging with Live Loops4m 32s
Up and running with Sampler7m 20s
Making magic with Quick Sampler8m 25s