From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

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Sharing your mix

Sharing your mix

- In Logic Pro 10, there are some cool alternatives to the traditional bounce to disc. It's called sharing, and you might have seen it if you're snooping around in the file menu. You can see I have 'Bounce', but also below that I have share. And from the share menu, you can actually directly share your song to some locations that aren't just your hard drive. So for example, if I wanted to share directly to iTunes, I can click 'Song to iTunes' and can choose to attach some metadata that might be useful for the file that would be sent to iTunes. Obviously want to give the track a name. 'Say Yes' is the name of the song, and I would put in the artist, composer, album, et cetera. And when I'm done and I click 'Share', Logic will do a bounce to disc, except instead of putting a file on my computer, it'll actually put it directly into my iTunes library. So that's one way you can share your project. Let's go through a couple other of these options. So here I would choose 'File', 'Share', and…
