From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

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Round trip audio to video

Round trip audio to video

- [Instructor] Logic Pro offers a great workflow for getting audio from Apple's video editor, Final Cut Pro. The workflow utilizes XML files, and this movie will cover the basics of getting material into Logic and back out to Final Cut Pro using XML. Now, in our movie sequence here, we have the audio we imported with the QuickTime movie in the snowboard sequence track. Now, this is helpful, but it's a mix down from the multi-track video edit. We actually want to get the individual tracks as they were used in the video edit. So, let's select this track and we'll hit Delete to get it out of our timeline. Now, instead, I'm going to import the separated tracks via an XML that was exported from Final Cut Pro. So, to do that, I'll go up to File, Import, and we're going to choose Final Cut Pro XML. Now, I'm going to navigate to my project folder, and here, I have this snowboard video XML that was exported from Final Cut Pro. It contains two documents, the XML file itself, which is a very…
