From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

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Mixing with submixes and track stacks

Mixing with submixes and track stacks - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

Mixing with submixes and track stacks

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll explore the concept of track stacks and summing stacks from a mixing perspective. The drum track in this song is based on a midi pattern and it's played through Logic's Drum Designer. Take a listen to it. (upbeat drum music) Solo up the track. Now this sounds really good, it's playing a drum kit called The Sunset Kit and one drawback of the way we've got this routed and the kit we're using is that we don't really have individual controls over all the various drums. Like, what if I wanted to make the kick drum louder or change the sound of the snare drum a little bit? It turns out there's a different type of kit you can use called a Producer Kit that gives you a lot more options when it comes time to mix. So if I go into the Library, I go to Drum Kits, you can see this is The Sunset Kit, this is the one we have currently active as the patch on that track. But also below that we have Producer Kits. And if I click in here, all of these kits have a plus…
