From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
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Merge recording with MIDI - Logic Pro Tutorial
From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
Merge recording with MIDI
- [Instructor] Sometimes when you record your MIDI performance, it's better to combine several recording passes into one merged MIDI region on the fly. Especially when you're recording a harmony part on the same track as the original part. That's exactly what I'm going to do in this movie. I want to show you how you can use merge recording techniques to add a harmony on an existing software synth track. So we've got this epic hook synth track. I'll solo it up and you can hear what's going on. (synth music playing) Now in the previous movie when we set a recording against an already established take, it created a take folder. So when we did multiple passes over the same recording, we got several takes. Now in this movie, I want to do something different, and that is that when we record over this section, instead of making a new take, I want logic to actually merge my new recording onto the old recording. Now we can set this up in the preferences. Remember in the preferences here under…
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