From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

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Mapping controls for hands-on mixing

Mapping controls for hands-on mixing - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

Mapping controls for hands-on mixing

- [Instructor] We've been using patches on software instrument tracks all throughout this course, but did you know that there are also patches for audio tracks? In this movie, we'll see how patches for audio tracks can help us with some of our processing during our mix. Let's take a look at the lead guitar track, and we'll solo it up to hear it. (upbeat guitar music) Okay, it sounds pretty good, but it could maybe sound better. Let's try a patch to help us with the sound of this instrument. Now, because I have an audio track selected, when I go into the library, it shows me patches for audio tracks. So I can go into Electric Guitar and Bass, Clean Guitar, and up at the top there's a patch called Clean Room. And when I select that patch, notice that the channel strip gets loaded up with all kinds of plugins and effects, sends, and all sorts of stuff like that. It's actually kind of like as if we were in a recording studio and the recording engineer used the patch bay to patch a whole…
