From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
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Getting to know the tools - Logic Pro Tutorial
From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
Getting to know the tools
- [Presenter] You may have noticed that our cursor changes its shape depending on where it is physically located in the main window. In this movie, we'll explore all the tools and learn how to quickly select the right tool for the job. Now, this default pointer is a multifunctional tool. As I mentioned, this means, it can change its function depending on where it is relative to a region. For example, if you go to the bottom-right hand of a region, it turns into a trimmer tool and lets you trim or edit the endpoint of a region. Same with the opposite side. The lower-right hand side lets you change the length, but if you move to the top-right hand side, it turns into a looper, which allows you when you click and drag to create loop iterations of that region. If you go between two regions, it turns into an I-beam cursor, which lets you move that middle point, and if you go right in the center of a region, it turns into just its usual function, a pointer, which allows you to select that…
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Exploring Logic's Main Window10m 31s
Using the many windows of Logic5m 52s
Controlling playback7m 54s
Working with cycle mode6m 4s
Getting to know the tools4m 32s
Naming tracks and regions5m 13s
Useful and custom key commands4m 34s
Controlling with the Logic Remote app3m 26s
Saving your project and file management5m 5s