From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

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Flex Time your tracks

Flex Time your tracks

- [Instructor] Have you ever recorded a take where the feel and spirit of the performance is right on, but the rhythm is lacking a little bit? In this movie, we're going to explore how to use Flex Time to conform an out of time audio recording to your song. Let's see how this works. Let's take a listen to this song and particularly listen to the wah guitar. (funky music plays) Okay, it sounds to me like the wah guitar is a little bit rhythmically out of time, especially between bars three and five. So let's open up the wah guitar into the track editor and I'm going to pull this a little bit bigger so we can see what's going on and I'll use the fit to screen button here to set it up so we can see the entire region in the track editor. Now let's just solo this up and we can even hear when it's soloed that it's rhythmically a little bit out of time. And to solo it up and play it, I can click on the play button in the upper left of the track editor. (funky guitar music plays) Okay, so…
