From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

De-mixing with the Stem Splitter - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

De-mixing with the Stem Splitter

- [Instructor] Artificial intelligence has arrived in the Logic workflow. With a new AI enhanced stem splitter, It's now possible to take any flattened and mixed recording and break it out into its elements for further manipulation in your Logic project. Here's how. We've got our Say Yes mix down. This is a flattened stereo track of the mix we've been working on. ♪ You say you love me but you ♪ - It's got drums, bass, guitar, keys, backup vocals. All the stuff is flattened into this stereo mix. Now, to use Stem Splitter to break this out, we're going to right click on the region itself, and then we're going to go down to processing and stem splitter. And this opens up the Stem Splitter menu where we get to choose what we want to pull out of this mix. So we can choose all of the above. We can separate the vocals, the drums, the bass, and everything else. So that's the only options we have now. can only imagine as time goes by, this might get more sophisticated, but let's start there. We'll keep everything checked and let's click split. And it works pretty fast. So by default, automatically it just mutes the source track and it makes a track stack that contains all of our stems. Now let's see how good this is. So I'll solo the vocals. ♪ You say you love me but you won't calm down ♪ ♪ So I'm leaving tomorrow ♪ ♪ You say you love me but you ♪ - I'm going into the middle of the song. ♪ I could be ready to settle down real soon ♪ - So it's got the background vocals in there too, but it's all the vocals separated out and you don't really hear any of the instruments. Pretty amazing. Drums by themselves. (drums playing) The bass. (bass playing) And then, like I said, everything else, all the guitars, piano, acoustic guitar, all that stuff. And then of course, altogether sounds just like our regular song. So now we can manipulate, re eq, re reverb, change the balance a little bit between the levels and remix the track to our liking. So with Intelligent Stem Splitting, really the sky's the limit for working with and expanding on any previously mixed material. I mean, a couple workflows that come to mind are to take an older format, like a cassette tape mix, and be able to clarify and enhance certain elements out of the mix so you can hear it more clearly. Also, just simply sampling a drumbeat in a clear form in a previously mixed piece of music is now possible.
