From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

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Controlling with the Logic Remote app

Controlling with the Logic Remote app - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training

Controlling with the Logic Remote app

- [Instructor] Logic Pro X has the ability to use an iOS mobile device, like an iPad or iPhone for remote controlling playback, performing software instruments and mixing. In this movie, we'll explore using the Logic Remote App to control playback in Logic. Setting up the Logic Remote App to control your Logic. Pro X project is really simple. You just want to make sure that your Mac and iPad or iPhone are connected to the same Wi-Fi network, then you should just have a Logic project open. And when you open the iPad App, as I'm going to do now, the two will connect, and you're good to go. With Logic Remote, you can remotely control some of the basic playback and navigation functions from your project. So, up at the top here, I can tap Play on the iPad, and Logic will start playing in the timeline. Got Stop and Return to the Beginning of Session also up in the control bar of my iPad, and those controls basically mimic what's happening in the control bar in your project. You can also use…
