From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
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Beat making with Drum Machine Designer - Logic Pro Tutorial
From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
Beat making with Drum Machine Designer
- [Instructor] In this Logic project, the drummer track is playing an electronic drum kit that uses a patch made with Logic's Drum Machine Designer, a powerful tool for electronic beat making. In this movie we'll get up and running with the powerful Drum Machine Designer. Let's open the Drum Machine Designer from the channel strip of the track by clicking on the instrument itself. So here is Drum Machine Designer, we have a nice interface to control all the drums. Now I'm going to hit play and you'll see how it interacts with the beats being played. (upbeat music) So it's like a traditional drum machine. These are all pads at the top. Before I start getting into clicking on the pads, let's take a look at the global page, which is where we are now. From this page down at the bottom, we have basically what our smart controls within the instrument itself. We can control the level of certain instruments and we can even mute and unmute those instruments with the blue button next to 'em. So…
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Exploring and creating a patch7m 33s
Jamming with smart controls6m 12s
Layering with track stacks6m 58s
Beat making with Drum Machine Designer6m 17s
Working with Session Players6m 34s
Diving deeper into Drummer10m 14s
Diving deeper into Session Bass Player7m 25s
Diving deeper into Session Keyboard Player6m 4s
Performing with the iPad or iPhone4m 46s
Sculpting sounds with Alchemy5m 50s