From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
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Automate your mix in real time - Logic Pro Tutorial
From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
Automate your mix in real time
- [Demonstrator] In this movie, we'll explore how to write your automation in realtime, making your mix experience a more creative performance. Notice our lead vocal track and all the tracks are currently in automation view mode, since that button is enabled at the top of the main window. Also notice in the track header, the track automation type is set to read. In read mode, automation follows whatever automation nodes and curves are already drawn in that track. In other words, you can't write realtime automation in read mode. The track will just be reading what's already there. But we want to do realtime automation, so let's go into this menu and activate one of the three other automation modes. We'll start with touch. Touch mode is in some senses the safest mode. It only writes when you're actively moving a parameter, such as the volume fader. And when you let go of that parameter, it'll snap back to reading what was already there. So if I make one single node here in the track…
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Setting up for the mix2m 45s
Mapping controls for hands-on mixing4m 55s
Exploring panning4m 53s
Mixing with patches5m 46s
Working with selection-based processing7m 21s
Mixing with submixes and track stacks5m 46s
Spatialize with reverb and delay7m 21s
Reverbing with ChromaVerb7m 45s
Working with ChromaGlow5m 53s
Giving your mix life with automation7m 1s
Automate your mix in real time5m 54s
Optimize mixing with freeze tracks6m 46s
De-mixing with the Stem Splitter2m 47s
Mastering with Mastering Assistant5m 41s
Mastering with your output fader3m 22s