From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
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Arranging with the Arrangement track - Logic Pro Tutorial
From the course: Logic Pro Essential Training
Arranging with the Arrangement track
- [Instructor] Rotating different arrangement sections of a song could be an incredible time saver when you're navigating through your project. In Logic 10, creating a global arrangement track also has other benefits. In this movie, we'll explore the global arrangement track. Here in the main window, we can open the global tracks by clicking the down arrow up at the top of the window. Here are some of our global tracks, and one of 'em, as you can see, is called "Arrangement." Now I can click at the bottom of this track and make it nice and big. Now the next thing we're going to do is actually establish an arrangement for our song. An arrangement would be a definition of the different parts of the song. And common terms used for this are verse, chorus, bridge, maybe pre-chorus, solo section, et cetera. So when I click on the plus button, Logic intelligently starts me out with the first arrangement block, which is an intro, and by default it gives me eight bars. It turns out that that's…
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