From the course: Localization for Developers

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Localization management

Localization management

- One of the biggest goals in internationalizing your product is to gather all of the content of your app that needs translating into one location. A localization solution is a kind of repository for your application's content. It isn't quite like using Git or SVN or other version control repositories since the goal isn't keeping track of code changes or forks in development, but instead keeping track of every bit of text, every image, and every individual item that needs translating or adapting. It keeps all of these in one place, and allows each language and locale to have its own version of those items. That way the solution can export a single coherent package of all of the assets, strings and media that are needed for an application to run in a particular locale. A good localization management system is going to have features that actually help simplify the whole process. Firstly, a good system will have a place for comments and feedback on each individual item. This allows…
