From the course: Localization for Developers

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Exploring localization solutions

Exploring localization solutions

From the course: Localization for Developers

Exploring localization solutions

- Let's talk about localization solutions. I'm gonna be honest with you. There's no golden standard for localization solutions. There isn't one solution that everyone uses or one solution that fits everyone's needs. Different solutions have their advantages and disadvantages. Some only support a limited forms of platforms and programming languages but are very feature rich and others are free, support multiple languages, but don't have any sort of online cloud synchronization. If you're looking into choosing a localization solution start by knowing what your project's technical needs are and let those needs guide your decision. To start with, let's talk about gettext. gettext is an internationalization solution that was introduced in the 90s and is still used today. The GNU project has a version of gettext that has implementations for over two dozen different programming and scripting languages, ranging from C and Pascal to Ruby and Python. Essentially you can include the gettext…
