From the course: Live Sound Engineering Techniques: On Tour with Rush

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Turning on the PA for the first time

Turning on the PA for the first time

A lot of times the bigger the room, the more dynamic change will happen to the PA system or, or the sound between, say, sound check and show. A big empty arena, there's a lot of space here to fill, so it's going to be a very reverberant surface. You've got a concrete floor. You've got metal chairs. You've got a roof of varying types of materials. And everything has a coeficiant of reflectivity. We call that a standing wave. The distance between dashers. The distance between a wall will just create a perfect spot for that wave form to sit. You try to get rid of that in a PA system without taking the life out of the PA, cause you still want some of that, you still want the energy that it's creating. A lot of times when you first turn a PA on in the morning or in the afternoon, before the people are in, you'll tend to want to take out some high end. 3000 hertz to 6000 hertz. You'll try to, you'll want to pull some of that down because all these chairs, all these plastic things are…
