From the course: Live Sound Engineering Techniques: On Tour with Rush

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Line check overview: Making sure every line sounds as expected

Line check overview: Making sure every line sounds as expected

From the course: Live Sound Engineering Techniques: On Tour with Rush

Line check overview: Making sure every line sounds as expected

Two of the most important things that happen during the course of the day, strictly for audio purposes are line check and sound check. What are the differences? Line check is where we go through and we listen to every input, whether it's a guitar, a drum, a bass, a voice, we listen to every one of the inputs coming into our consoles. For instance today. During line check. We were having a problem with one of the tom lines. >> Five's low. Five's low. >> Tom tom number five was eight to ten db low. And we didn't know why. After exercising the connection two or three times. And plugging it right back in, it worked flawlessly the rest of the night. Sound check is where the band comes on stage and performs pieces of or a whole song to ensure the levels and the way they want to hear their instruments are correct.
