From the course: Live Sound Engineering Techniques: On Tour with Rush
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Flying the PA speaker arrays
From the course: Live Sound Engineering Techniques: On Tour with Rush
Flying the PA speaker arrays
In the morning, we unload the trucks. All of the speakers come out of the trucks. We get the rigging up, we get the motors up, we attach the necessary things to the back of the PA systems, so that we can assemble it. Then one at a time, the speakers get attached to each other, get lifted up. Drop it down, put another speaker under it, lift that up. Today is the full compliment, we're doing 14 in the front and 10 on the side. Once you get the PA up in the air, you have adjusted for the angles that you want everything to be at, and we do that with pins. We're doing about 74 degrees worth of coverage totally. And then we use a come-along to compress the back of the PA together, which gives us the curve that we want. We make sure we hit the top, we make sure we hit the bottom, and then we use the front fills for anything that we haven't hit. We walk into a building, and we can look around, and we know our how high our hook height needs to be. We're at 41 feet to the bottom of the PA…
Starting the day with the big picture1m 7s
Choosing the right PA for the venue1m 24s
Unloading the trucks and load-in1m 6s
Audio rigging: Points50s
Audio rigging: Motors and cables4m 30s
Audio rigging: Trusses1m 1s
Amplifier racks2m 10s
The best combination of analog and digital signal paths38s
Audio rigging: Feeder and power2m 16s
Flying the PA speaker arrays3m 56s
Discussing the advantages of subwoofers and front-fill speakers1m 4s
Where's the best place to sit at the venue?50s